Hi blog its been a while, I hope all is well. I recently started this dutch school that is pretty great. I am learning how to speak dutch more and more. And I have done some pretty eventful stuff.
Lets start with my school. It is a small school with less than fifty kids. I am learning difficult division and subtraction but good for my level. I am in a group of kids that are younger than me because the learning level is higher in the Netherlands than it is in New Zealand. I am sitting next to a kid nammed {[CLASSIFIED]} he speaks the smallest amount of English and a lot of dutch. I haven’t made any friends yet but I will make them (probably?)
Because I left new zealand in a school holiday and came to the Netherlands in a school holiday I got one MONTH off of any school work I may have. I have gotten to do lots of cool stuff like sail a boat, visit dutch city’s and find cool people. And because today is a Wednesday we get three hours off school.
Also my progress in Fortnite is getting pretty good I got 3 victory royales in two days so I griddyed.
I’ll keep you all updated soon (ish) – Blake