Life in the Netherlands

Hi blog its been a while, I hope all is well. I recently started this dutch school that is pretty great. I am learning how to speak dutch more and more. And I have done some pretty eventful stuff.

Lets start with my school. It is a small school with less than fifty kids. I am learning difficult division and subtraction but good for my level. I am in a group of kids that are younger than me because the learning level is higher in the Netherlands than it is in New Zealand. I am sitting next to a kid nammed {[CLASSIFIED]} he speaks the smallest amount of English and a lot of dutch. I haven’t made any friends yet but I will make them (probably?)

Because I left new zealand in a school holiday and came to the Netherlands in a school holiday I got one MONTH off of any school work I may have. I have gotten to do lots of cool stuff like sail a boat, visit dutch city’s and find cool people. And because today is a Wednesday we get three hours off school.

Also my progress in Fortnite is getting pretty good I got 3 victory royales in two days so I griddyed.

I’ll keep you all updated soon (ish) – Blake


The Trip

Term 2 was a big term for me and my whanau, we moved house, we moved schools, we moved country. My parrants have been working so hard to plan and get us to the Netherlands. The Netherlands is a small country in Europe close to the UK. We are moving there because my mums side is dutch (Netherland nationality) and I don’t go to the Netherlands often so I don’t know of a lot of family there. Right now I am sitting in the office of my grandma’s house in a sweaty T – shirt. It is really hot here as it is summer.  One other thing I want to mention is the time difference. For example in the Netherlands it is 10:00 am and so in NZ it will be 8:00 pm, New Zealand is 10 hours ahead, it is like you guys are in the future. I am sad to miss my friends but excited to see what will come.

Google comes to PBS

Today some of NZ Google came to panmure bridge.

They came to talk to us about our careers and telling us how technoligy has gotten better over the years.

They also came here to take questions we had for them. My question for them was ” How do you see technoligy growing in the future.”

Here are some pictures that shows what we did.


this week in inquiry I learned about magnetism. I learnt that magnets gets pulled to this rock called a lodestone.

The first thing I did was complete the sentences using the word bank at the bottom of the page.

The next thing I did was show which way the magnets went. For example the North pole will connect to a South Pole but not another North pole.

After that I had to find a picture for each word and copy and paste a definition of the word by the word.

Then I did a word search of all the words to do with magnetism.

Finally I made a poster explaining what I learnt and what Magnetism is.

NRL Writing

this week in writing  my class puts us in a competition where we can get our books published these books have to be based off an NRL rugby league team because I live in New Zealand Auckland my rugby league team ist he NZ Warriors. We can only achieve these books being published if our books are extremely good we also do not need to make them real we can make them about mythical creatures fighting the NRL all that there is a secret undercover mission that they need to accomplish. here is what I have done.

Algorithm Addition

This week in math we learnt how to calculate a math problem using Algorithm Addition.

My teacher taught me that you always need to start on the right when calculate a problem. And If a number is higher than nine you have to add a 1 to the next column.

I also learnt that you should always align the 2 numbers you are plussing, minicing or dividing.

Here is how you calculate a difficult math equation.

Keke Pua’a

This week my teacher brought in some Keke pua’as to share in the class we all enjoyed them!

Our task was to eat and make as many adjectives of the Keke pua’a we can.

After that we needed to make a pruesasive on why you should eat a Keke pua’a and also what a Keke pua’a is: I think you should try a keke pua’a they are sweet, savoury and delicious. A keke pua’a is dough with pork/chicken/lamb and sauce as a stuffing.

HHV Picture Story

This week we went to the howick historical village.

First we got into our groups. My group was group 2. My adult helper was miss Tele’a.

Next my group went to make these trolly skateboards on the other side of the village. There we made, raced & broke trolly skatboard.

Then we went over to the other side of the village again to make butter. We had to churn cream heaps of times to make the butter and it was yum.

After that did a self guided tour. on the tour we went to houses, toilets, shops and a manor that was massive. That would be my house if I lived back then.