Tag: Maths

Nested Place Value and Place Value blocks

LI : Show an understanding of how numbers can be shown with place value blocks. LI : Understand that a hundreds block is made up of ten tens blocks or a hundred ones blocks.

This week in maths we have been working on our place value. We practiced representing numbers using base ten blocks with Miss Tele’a, then completed our nested place value slides task.

How to subtract Decimals

This week in math I have been learning about Decimals and how to subtract them.

My first task was to complete a work sheet that had subtration and addition in it that we had to complete, but because we did adition last week we did subtraction this week.  A hard part was the last row because the ones was all zero and it had more challenging tenths and hundredths questions.

My Second and final task was to write how to subtract decimals to subtract decimals you need to minice the hundredths, minice the tenths, minice the ones and minice  the tens, but to put it in simpler terms just do the opisite of adding. This is my example of how to add decimals.

I enjoyed this task because I got to subtract decimals which I had not done in a long time.

I need to work on adding and subtracing decimals.

I improved on showing how I worked it out.

Figure it out – 4

This week in math we finaly finished my figure it out slides. The gala has opened and tensions are high, they are making mistakes with math and they need my help.

My task was decide out of three patterens which ones were a rotation, translation & reflection.

My next task was to  answer the mystery numbers, my favourite mystery number was the mystery number 5. We also had to make up our own mystery number.

The next task was to write what the score of  the 3 kids are.

The final task was to count all the numbers and the orders of the people who wanted to buy food.

Figure it out Slides

For Maths we learned did word problems that relates to the gala. The Gala is when schools raise funds to buy more equipment for the school.

First I went on the mat and my teacher Miss White helped us through the first question. It was about the gala and we have to figure out what is the perfect saturday to start the gala. The catch is that every saturday there is always somthing to worry about like the strong winds. Not enough teachers are there and many more.

Next I went into different pairs with different people. Every time we do another word problem then we have to switch partners.

This is my work so far, I will finish the rest next week.

Basic Facts

This week in other math I am keeping up my smarts with doing a basic activity. There are afew thingsyou need to do  first you need to press “X”or “+” for it to be timesed or for it to be timesed or plussed. I did this and got all the questions correect. Here is my work.

Tally and Bar charts

This week we learnt about tallys and bar charts.

First I wrote a bar chart about can you ride a bike, the answers were either yes or no the highest was yes with 21 and no only had 2 so the total was 23. Then I wrote the next one about whatis your favourite colour the answers were red, blue, black, purple & white. Blue won with 14 and then its red in second place with 4 after that its white with 3, and in last place black and purple boughth have 1.

Then I wrote how many people live in your house, the answers were 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12. The top is 4 with seven students then it is a tie of 7 and 6 which both have five after that it is a another tie with 3, 8 and 12 which all have one. The total is 23.

Basic facts

Today I completed a basic facts task. First I started by writing the ones and the twos then I started doing the three fours five after that I thought about the next one because i’m not that great on my six times table soon after I finished the eight I got to the nine times table and I finished it like I was eating a peace of cake.